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    Usa "burning wood" in una frase

    burning wood frasi di esempio

    burning wood

    1. His manes knew it was burning wood, something humans do because they are blind in the dark

    2. Someone had just thrown water onto the pile of once burning wood

    3. A tiny spark flew up from the burning wood and alighted in the middle of one

    4. “That wasn’t such a big one,” said her grandfather, kicking the burning wood

    5. There he saw a woman looking at a flame, but the fire was not coming out of burning wood, it was coming out of the woman’s palm

    6. The only light coming from the flames, burning wood and sparks from the falling grease

    7. The fireplace of their room had no burning wood for it, this on orders from Sir James Tyrrell, the right-hand man of the usurper, Richard of Gloucester, who now called himself King Richard III of England

    8. burning wood and ashes that had once represented two years

    9. The charcoal smell of burning wood reminded Leesa of the fireplace in her aunt’s house

    10. out of the burning woods and just when she was about to shout aloud, in that

    11. “Surely she must be here still…” And he began to run into the burning woods

    12. They found that no creature would willingly even go near anything that smelt of burning wood

    13. To those night creatures; the smell of burning wood meant only one thing: Fear

    14. Flee from the thing that kills the largest most powerful predators that was, and still is their genetically programmed response to the smell of a fire burning wood

    15. The assumption that modern man cannot survive living in Nature without the artificial heat of burning wood, and wearing artificial coverings called clothing, and building artificial caves called houses is 100% bullshit

    16. I held the sword aloft as Flin’s front hooves crashed back down onto the top of the mound, spewing chunks of burning wood all around us in a fury of lit embers

    17. They were being shot off free with the intent to kill those aboard the Celestia’s Prize before they could repeat what they’d done to the first Whaler, which had been reduced to burning wood fragments drifting on the water

    18. And for pure pleasure I collected a pile of dry dead cedar branches and built a small fire just to smell the perfume of the burning wood and to hear the excited crackle of the branches

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